
最近因為課業繁忙,所以情緒也持續低落。曾幾何時,自己不是這麼在乎課業表現,反而得過且過。然而,現在我卻這麼在乎它。我越是去在乎它,自己的感覺越是不快樂。我只是想把他做好,卻是帶給我這麼厭惡的感覺。難道真的只有做自己想做的事情才能找到快樂? 我覺得是在逃避而已罷了,因為是自己不想面對他,所以才找別的事做而已。想來想去,他並不是真的很難,可惜的是自己卻把他搞得一蹋糊塗,你說是不是該砍掉重練? 我真的很不想承認識在語言的障礙,雖然我才來這兩年多,英文也是在這起步的,可是看到其他國際學生也是在一樣的環境下可以表現的比自己好,我是不是就該檢討…..damn

Hannah’s commencement





所以學校辦在頗遠的地方~independence events center












you are almost done……


you did it!!!!









有考試可以考….今天特別早起,難道說這就是早睡早起身體好? 但是我倒是覺得這是壓力下的產物。

昨天才搞完Financial Management2的presentation…今天又是經濟學的考試…你乾脆搞死我算了…



忙碌的學期就快要結束了,因為太忙,而且最近也沒出去玩,所以一直都沒有更新自己的部落格。不過沒關係,我看到時候改來這裡抒發自己的情緒好了,但是希望不要變成我的垃圾桶部落格,因為都只是吐苦水,這樣就不好玩了。最近一直想著出去玩,有時候都沒辦法專心在書本上,眼看著這學期就要結束了,心裡就很開心,不過呢~就會緊接著下個學期了。這會是痛苦般的難熬阿~因為要輪到我修Financial  management II 了…..好吧~反正早晚都要來的~那就給他來吧! 恩…….心裡還是有點怕怕的….

Everglades and Biscayne national parks

OK….after we finished Key West trip, we went to the two of the famous national parks of America. One is Everglades and the other one is Biscayne.

At the beginning, let’s talk about Everglades national park. This is a pretty big and dangerous park because that is totally wild area and there are several dangerous but beautiful animals such as alligators and crocodiles. Those animals are the treasure in that park. You know, this is a different part between own country because these all animals are very close to you. You only can see those animals in the zoo in my country but you cannot see them in wild place. That is, there is no such this kind of animals in Taiwanese wild place because the government will take them to the zoo. In that park, there are not only alligators and crocodiles, but also several types of birds. If you would like to see these types of animals, maybe you could visit this park and I think this is good for you. Furthermore, we also spent two hours riding canoe. You know, rolling canoe is really difficult for that have never cooperated people because it includes communication and cooperation. Because on that boat has two of us were first time to do this activity, we need to talk about what things are supposed to do first. However, even we have talk to each other, we still could not arrive the aim we want to go. In other words, we were totally failed. Anyway, rolling canoe is just for fun and do not look at this thing so seriously. In my opinion, this park is a very nature and lively because you could see this park is protected very well.

And next, we went to Biscayne national park and this park is composed of several islands on the ocean. It is so beautiful there. We went to there for snorkeling because there is the third biggest coral reef of the world. But, the weather in this year is colder than before several years they said. So, that means we chose wrong time to play water. Normally, they said there are not a lot of people go snorkeling in the winter time so we were special. You know what; the temperature of the water was like ice water so can you image that how crazy we were at that time. Anyway, when we started our trip of snorkeling, something was changed. I think two of us could not swim very well. Further, the waves were really big to them. In Joseph’s opinion, I am good at swimming and I am supposed to care my wife and friends even the captain said that at least two people should get together. However, I could not care three of them at one time so we could not move smoothly. So, in order to our safety, the captain brought us to calmer place for activity. Actually, we did not see any coral reef there thus we felt that it was not worth.

Finally, we got a “Nice” experience from that snorkeling but we also had a good time there. By the way, we still like and love this trip and we will continue to go to the next purpose.

The sun, beaches, and bikinis

Yes,  we went to Florida for our wonderful vacation and we spent 8 days and 7 nights there. At begining, I thought that FL has a wonderful and hot weather in every season but I was wrong. This time we went was colder than previous years and you might wear jacket as you are walking on beach. I was so disappointed with that but not really disappointed.

We drove 4 hours to Key West that is  in the most south of FL from FLL airport that is upon Miami airport and we also spent two days there. However, that was our first time to drive the road that has tolls system in FL. Actually, we were confused on tolls system and we also have missed one toll station. So, we might get a ticket and pay the fine. What the good trip!!!! Anyway, although we drove and we did not see anything when we were on US-1 highway, we knew we had passed through many keys (islands) as we were going to our destination. Of course, as we have arrived our hotel, we just slept.

On the next day, we visited some popular points on Key West and we took many pics there. As you can see this commonplace stone, the meaning is you are in the most south of FL and 90 miles from Cuba. If you wanna take pics with this stone, you have to wait in line. Of course, that was not just only these pictures but also some fun things and stuffs  we haven’t seen before.

We walked, walked, and walked…walked to the most popular point, that is a great author’s home. His name is Ernest Hemingway. Did we go inside to visit his home? The answer is NO. We did not go inside because you have to pay. I remember that they would charge you $12 per adult. Ha, actually, we are not interesting in that house and we just took a picture with the mark, and then we kept going to other places. 

Ok, if you come to the Key West, you might try some seafood there. In my opinion, I think that it is pretty good and fresh. If you want me to compare with seafood of Taiwan, maybe I would say the seafood of the Key West is not bad. But, there is not much choice for seafood and  they are pretty expensive. However, it is worth to eat.

On this island, I think that it is a peaceful and harmonious small town and it is not quite crowd. Although it is a small island, it brought so much fun to us. Furthermore, we also saw the different kind of culture there. In short, it is really a holiday resort.

Nice show

Indeed, I forgot to bring my camera so I did not take any pics there. However, it is a little difficult to discribe this activity without pics. This show was a tinge of different than last time we saw. The church we went this time looks like an opera and it is really big.  The people who are the members of the church performed the show, moreover they are not perfessional acters. Furthermore, the clothes which they dressed  were Mid-East style,  and they acted as Jews. Of course, there was one guy who acted Jesus and he was very simillar to real one. This time was one of the best shows I have seen, and I feel sorry and sympathetic that some people missed a wonderful show.

Christmas Season

This was my first time to join this activity of Christmas season. I think that is a important activity during the Christmas season. Also, that is my country does not have, so I  really enjoyed their ceremony.

This activity was kind of celebrating their God, Jesus, and they do celebrate annually. The all environment was very peacefull, and solemn in the church. That was very interesting that some people were performing on the stage such they sang not just only several holy English songs for Jesus, but also  sang several different languages songs. Furthermore, they played some video that was about how did Jesus, their God, come to this world. 

After the ceremony, the church perpared some snake and hot drinks for guests because outside was really cold. Of course that we took some snake and drinks. At that time we talked with friends, and they were glad that we came to their church, and join their ceremony. You know what, that is a really specail and nice experience in my life.

By the way, I would like to put a video which I took in the church on my facebook. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/ Enjoy.


這句話可以用來形容我現在的心情,為什麼呢? 因為我的………美國駕照阿~!!!!! 你在哪阿????????? 這個政府機關也太慢了吧,從八月更新到現在還不來, 真是氣死我也!

今天我、Robert、Hannah和Raymond去Grand View 的 driver license office 辦事情,順便繳了property tax……(心在淌血…),但是並沒有如期的拿到暫時性的駕照,因為他們說一個人一次只能拿一張temperary,這真是太沒有效率啦!!!那如果一直寄不到,那我不就不用開車了,片笑ㄟ…..
